pour mes amis, ma famille et mon chien !

un petit blog sympa pour tenir la France informee de ce qui se passe ici en Angleterre..pas toujours tout rose, mais on fait avec ! Alala ces anglais, pas etonnant qu'on ait ete ennemis hereditaires pendant de siecles !

Monday, April 09, 2007

hey teacher leave the kids alone !

ok this title sucks but I'm listening to the Pink Floyd remix, Proper Education, and the lyrics inspired me ! and anyway, i live in a country where kids would definetely need to receivce a proper education ... :
I was out for a walk just thirty minutes ago, sinceI discovered recently that the area I live in is full of foothpaths going around and between houses, and there's a gigantic park with loads of benches, trees you can climb on, football cages, it's very nice ! So every evening around 7, I go for a walk, take some fresh air .. and run away from Johan who performs the same ritual everytime he comes back from work : putting always the same old music on and loud, and it goes like this every night. If at least he was listening to different songs sometimes, but he HAS to be listening to the same old stuff and it really pisses me off.
When I come back, I just lock myself in the room, and I put MY music on .. ! which is loads better, without boasting or something. Seriously, what would you chose betweem Dolly Parton and some new songs like Mika, Snow Patrol, Razorlight, Justin, Oasis and much more ... I chose second option !

so, today was a great day, TJ came back home at 7am, we went out for a football game, early morning the park was empty, nobody to watch us playing : I was Zidane he was Materrazi, guess what followed : coup de boule !! lol We had loads of fun, then back home and we watched a movie : The Day after Tomorrow, hm, what I mean is : I watch the movie, he felt asleep at the 17th minute. Poor thing, I works so much !! lol

Then time passed so quickly, at 4.30 he left to go to work, I started preparing my stuff for my interview with the guy who called me for the new job at the airport. I'm supposed to go to the agency on wednesday, but I'm working daytime, so I will phone them tomorrow morning to know if I can just come and drop my papers, or book another appointment ... The sooner the better, I just want to have an idea of when I'm starting, even if its not right now, I dont care, as soon as its sure I have the job, I give my notice to Caffee Alba ! I don't care staying one week or two without work, as long I'm I'm out of there !!

Saturday was the most tiring workday I ever had : I woke up at 4.30 am, took the bus with Apie at 5.15, arrived there at 5.45, started 6, until 12 it was fine, but then they sent me to run the small unit next to the bus station, I thought I was just going there to bring some more drinks to the person who was already there, but then she left and I understood I was staying there until I finished my shift, TITS : 4pm ! On my own, of course, and no customers around ! at 4pm, I was ready to leave, but they called me to ask if I could stay one more hour ... Ohmegod, I needed so bad to go to the bathroom that I called again to ask for someone to come and replace me.. The person only showed up 30 minutes later, I literally "ran" to the toilets, then came back to the Caffe to finish my shift, and Oh, surprise, my next bus was only coming at 17.45 .. I stayed until half to give a hand since no more staff was coming, then caught the bus, and the last surprise of the day was this bus wasnt going further than the town centre, I had to wait for another bus to bring me back home once in town centre. I eventually arrived home at 7, "creeped" to my bed, and slept the whole night and the whole sunday long !!

That was for the work adventures, hoping that the next job is less of a nightmare ...

As for life in general around here, its fine, things are going well at the flat since we had that argument about cleaning and respect, followed by me threatening the guys to leave if things wouldnt get better soon. Ever since that argument, I've beed treated loads better, I still do many things for the flat, but I feel less alone, Johan cleans behind himself, TJ gives me a hand as soon as I ask him to do so, and I will perhaps have a car soon !!! We're looking for one for me to buy, as I will need one for my job anyway. It's one of the requirements, because I will sometimes start as early as 4 am, and there's no bus service at that time to the airport.
We saw an advert for a Peugeot 106 1.1, 20 miles from here, £800, I'm gonna call tomorrow for more information.

I'm gonna go to bed now, and watch a movie again, I'm so much into movies since a while, I just saw Mr Bean's holidays at the cinema, it was hilarious !


  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger may said…

    yo cel!

    sypma de voir that u'r back on the blog scene!!! lol even i don't always have the time to post stuff!!!

    gros gros bisous honey bunny!! lol


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