pour mes amis, ma famille et mon chien !

un petit blog sympa pour tenir la France informee de ce qui se passe ici en Angleterre..pas toujours tout rose, mais on fait avec ! Alala ces anglais, pas etonnant qu'on ait ete ennemis hereditaires pendant de siecles !

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


well, i just love that song, in fact the music, but this I cannot share with you, so you'll have to imagine it while reading the following lyrics !

Une île... entre le ciel et l'eau
Une île... sans hommes ni bateaux
Inculte, un peu comme une insulte
Sauvage... sans espoir de voyages
Une île... une île... entre le ciel et l'eau

Ce serait là, face à la mer immense
Là, sans espoir d'esperance
Toute seule face à ma destinée
Plus seule qu'au coeur d'une forêt

Ce serait là, dans ma propre défaite
Toute seule, sans espoir de conquêtes
Que je saurais enfin pourquoi je t'ai quitté moi qui n'aime que toi...

Une île... comme une cible d'or
Tranquille... comme un enfant qui dort,
Fidèle, à en mourrir pour elle
Cruelle, à force d'être belle
Une île... une île, comme un enfant qui dort

Ce serait là, face à la mer immense
Là, pour venger mes vengeances
Toute seule avec mes souvenirs
Toute seule, en attendant de mourir

Ce serait là, au coeur de Sainte Helene
Sans joie, sans amour mais sans haine
Que je saurais enfin pourquoi je t'ai quitté moi qui n'aime que toi

Une île, entre le ciel et l'eau
Une île, sans un refuge, un bateau
Inculte, un peu comme une insulte
Sauvage, sans espoir de voyages
Une île... cette île... mon île... c'est toi.

Friday, September 22, 2006

crazy night last night !!!

well, I'm not proud of myself, but hey with May we just lived a crazy night last night !!!
It all started us attending a concert at Le Boudoir, a super duper "in" club in Lyon, were only famous and rich people can get in, so just figure out the two of us entering thid place and feeling like the odd ones out !! eventually we realised that those people we were spending the night with were even crazier than we were !! They were (at least) all of them 10 years older than us, but seemed to be having so much fun !! I never saw such a place and such an atmosphere in those ridiculous places supposed to be dancing-clubs in Chambéry or Aix-les-Bains...
People in such a place were here only to have fun, not to judge you and looking at the way you were dressed or the way you behaved.. We were feeling like nuns compared to them !
We had a real great time with May, and it changed my idea of having fun on night !!
Now i know what clubbing means !! lol
We finished the night waiting desperately for a train at the gare Lyon Part Dieu, and when at last arrived to May's place, we slept until 2 this afternoon !!
We look like shit (but sexy ones), but it was worth it !!
I needed that time to really enjoy one last time in France before leaving to England and working all week long..
Big kisses to all

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I got it !!

Hi everybody!
This is a very very happy day since i saw on internet this morning that i passed my second session's exams to get my licence !!!

So i first wish to thank my family for support and help, then friends for being always there when i needed to talk (especially Mayssoun, Natacha, Anna-Lucie and Florence)
anyway, thanks to all, and now i'm leaving to England without any regrets or deceptions..

Big kisses to all !

Friday, September 08, 2006

This song for my grand-pa who died before I had the chance to get to know him...

Why do I have to fly ...
Over every town, up & down the line ?
I'll die in the clouds above
And you that I defend, I do not love

I wake up, it's a bad dream,
no one on my side
I was fighting
but I just feel too tired to be fighting
Guess i'm not the fighting kind...

When will I meet my fate ?
I'm a man, I was born to hate
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time, you could be my friend...

I wake up, it's a bad dream
no one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
to be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it if you were by my side
but you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now

Where do we go? ... I don't even know
My strange old face

And I'm thinking about those days
And I'm thinking about those days

Monday, September 04, 2006

Meet Mr & Mrs Motte...

Let me introduce my parents, the two persons on the left who decided 22 years ago to let me come to this world, without my agreement !!!!! lol

so hey, mum & dad, this was just to say I love u because i would never have dared doing what I did a year ago without your support and attention... Now, thanks to you, I'm leaving to England, and everything's fine for me !

Big hugs and kisses,

and hey, everybody, when u feel like your parents really get on your nerves and that u would do anything to pull them out of your life, just remember all the things u would never have been able to do if they hadn't be here to help u make the good choices and take the right decisions..